auger process

英 [ˈɔːɡə(r) ˈprəʊses] 美 [ˈɔːɡər ˈprɑːses]

网络  欧杰过程; 俄歇过程



  1. At high excitation power density, the rise time decreases as the excitation density increases, and Auger process plays an important role in the carrier capture.
  2. This resonance structure results from the interference between a photoionization process or a photoionization with excitation process and a resonant Auger process.
  3. In this study, the Auger Electron Spectroscopy ( AES) was used to study the adsorption process and initial stage of oxidation reactions on clean surface of pure iron, uranium and surface of their C~+ ion-implanted samples.
  4. The paper introduces the ways to manufacture cold-draw shape screw auger, which is of simple process, low cost and good quality, and is the best way to manufacture screw auger by manufacturer.
  5. In this study the adsorption process and the initial stage of oxidation reactions of oxygen on uranium-niobium alloys surface at room temperature were studied with electron energy loss spectroscopy and Auger energy spectroscopy ( AES) in this paper.
  6. Significant Auger recombination and withdraw current during the pre-charge process diminished the quantity of plasma injected by the pre-charge current, which demonstrate that the current integral during the pre-charge process can not represent the whole quantity of pre-charge.